Sunday, March 28, 2010

April ...

April is turning out to be one of the busiest months of the year. I find, due to a variety of circumstances, that I've fallen behind in a number of areas and need to play catchup.

I've a review due at Modern Haiku I need to polish off. Later this month, in close proximity of each other I will be leading a discussion on Elizabeth Bishop for the 3 Poems By ... discussion group, helping to judge a county-wide teen poetry contest in conjunction with a One Book, One Community book initiative, conducting another introduction to poetry session for Oasis lifelong learners, and doing a followup reading of my own work for the New Yinzer at Modern Formations. In addition, I've fallen woefully behind with the print magazine, Lilliput Review, and have a new chapbook in the "Modest Proposal" series which needs to go to press.

The "bad" news is that, for the month of April, I need to gear down a bit with the blog to catch up with all these things. The good news is, as hinted at before, I have a plan.

Besides cutting back on the blog for a bit, I've decided to put out a double run of Lilliputs, 4 issues instead of the customary 2, to be mailed together. I know this seems like more work but, trust me, in the long run, this will help me get the ship righted in very solid fashion. Though, of course, in the short run it will take a little longer to get all those issues together, printed, cut, collated, stapled, and shipped.

So posting will be intermittent. I'm thinking of April at Issa's Untidy Hut as being scattershot - a sort guerrilla blogging approach, if posting at all. I will forgo the daily Twitter Lilliput poems for the foreseeable future. Issa's Sunday Service, too, will be on hiatus for a bit.

I'll be putting my nose to the grindstone for the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck!

the silver dew
becoming round, this too
takes work!
translated by David G. Lanoue



  1. Don:

    Good luck! But the plan is sound, so luck probably won't be needed.

    Relax and listen to a little Quicksilver Messenger Service or read a little Robert Service or order room service or...

  2. Hey, Jim, thanks ...

    You know what ... I'm sitting here listening to Glenn Gould hum deep, deep melodies ...

    Quicksilver is definitely next.

  3. "Solid, Jackson"

    just like that solid base Mt Fuji sits upon..

    so, spon-ain e us lee, I compose:

    Mountain Fuji
    aspiring to see
    all things clearly

    or (more to "the point"):

    Mt. Fuji
    enough about you
    let's talk about me!

  4. Hey Don, good luck getting everything done. That's a lot going on.

    from bloom to bloom
    honey bee

  5. Hey, Greg:

    Thanks much - got a whole issue laid out this afternoon - one of your's is in it - 4 hours later and I'm still listening to Quicksilver ...

    What a great way to lay out an issue ... "Baby, tell me who do you?"

    Jim, you rock!


  6. I just filled out the questionaire! and I don't even have a blog..
    I have a blob!

    this appears to be just an ad...for ipod (whatever THAT is)
