Monday, April 19, 2010

New Yinzer Reading, Wednesday, April 21st

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Wednesday night at Modern Formations Gallery, The New Yinzer is throwing their big 2nd birthday bash (yes, there will be cake), so come on out for some big time reading fun. Here's the dope, from The NY website, on the readers:

Michelle Reale (Reader): Michelle Reale's fiction has
been published in Smokelong Quarterly, Word Riot,
Monkeybicycle, elimae, Eyeshot, JMWW, Pank,
Foundling Review, Rumble, Underground Voices,
Emprise Review, Matchbook, Pear Noir, The Stray
Branch, Blue Print Review
and a host of others. Her
fiction chapbook , Natural Habitat will be published
by Burning River in April, 2010 and available this
Wednesday. She's been twice nominated for a Pushcart
Prize and lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She is
currently working on a novel of linked stories.

Chris Bowen (Reader): Chris Bowen is an author, editor,
and life-long learner. His fiction has appeared in multiple
small press and college journals. Among others: Hobart,
Muse & Stone, Penumbra
and forthcoming, A Trunk of
Delirium, Fast Forward Press
and Leaf Garden. He is
the creator of the Cleveland based website and small
press Burning River. He enjoys the culinary arts at
Cleveland’s Tri-C Metro campus and swimming in lakes
during summer.

M. Callen: (Reader) In the morning, the first thing M.
Callen does is push-ups. M. Callen has always carried a
knife. She maintains a promise never to eat Wonderbread
again, to never buy ValuTime anything. If once you saw
her drinking from the whiskey tree, she apologizes for
your gnarled face and busted lip. Sometimes she has a
hard time knowing when enough is enough.

M. Callen is full of bad ideas, but not the kind you think.
Her memory is, at best, circumspect; full of the ghosts
she once slow danced with, or wanted to slow dance
with. The trellis and string quartet. M. Callen has always
wanted to use the word ‘pirouette’ in a poem; but like
many other things, the timing has never been right.

Everyone who has ever come to call M. Callen “home”
probably regrets it, because she would not leave and
she would not stay. She comes from the silence that
folds the night into morning, is descendent of both the
albatross and the 8-track. She is less interested in
apologizing than she is in asking forgiveness.

Don Wentworth: (Reader) Don Wentworth is a small
press poet whose work has been or will be published
in Bear Creek Haiku, Bottle Rockets, Modern Haiku,
The New Yinzer
and Rolling Stone, among others. He
has published two chapbooks - Tenpenny Stamens
(Random Weirdness) and The Nostalgia Papers
(Mockersatz Zrox) - and has a forthcoming book, Past
All Traps
(Sixth Gallery), due sometime this year.

Martin Dodd: (Reader) Martin Dodd joined a writers
group at age 67 in 2002. Since then, he has been
published in The Barmaid, The Bean Counter, and
The Bungee Jumper; Chicken Soup For The
Recovering Soul; Homestead Review; Hobart
Issues Dec '06. Jun '07); Cadillac Cicatrix; and Writers
. Dodd has also won awards, or been a finalist,
in contests of NorthernPros; St. Louis Short Story
Contest; Central Coast Writers (California); Writer's
Digest; Inkwell
; and Glimmer Train.

House of Assassins (Music)

Directions to Modern Formations ...

From the reading:

Every spring bud blooms
into its selves
and you.

temple mountain--
under a spring moon heading
to a poem party
translated by David G. Lanoue
