Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey, Jack Kerouac: Issa's Sunday Service, #75

Photo by Eliott Erwitt

October 26th is the birthday of Natalie Merchant, lead singer of 10,000 Maniacs, whose song "Hey, Jack Kerouac," is the 75th selection for Issa's Sunday Service.

75 is a lot of songs with literary connections.  I've got over 300 more in the hopper and seem to be adding more every week.

The question is: is it worth the effort?  A worthwhile enterprise?  A gleeful obsession?

Or just one person's deep bow to two cornerstones of a blessed everyday existence?



Here's another by 10,000 Maniacs, a little something for all of us, nailing the last 30 or so years very nicely, thank you very much, and introduced by an old friend.  Such a sweet, deadly delivery, all around.

Candy Everybody Wants
If lust and hate is the candy,
if blood and love tastes so sweet,
then we give 'em what they want.
Hey, hey, give 'em what they want.

So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on,
so their minds are soft and lazy.
Well, hey, give 'em what they want.

If lust and hate is the candy,
if blood and love tastes so sweet,
then we give 'em what they want.

So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on,
so their minds are soft and lazy.
Well... who do you wanna blame?

Hey, hey, give 'em what they want.

If lust and hate is the candy,
if blood and love tastes so sweet,
then we give 'em what they want.
So their eyes are growing hazy 'cos they wanna turn it on,
so their minds are soft and lazy.

Well... who do you wanna blame?


This week's feature come from Lilliput Review, #111, a triple-header of Albert Huffstickler, from July 2000.  Over a space of 10 plus years, I published so much of Huff's work I've forgotten many of the poems and when I go back he breaks my heart again.

Three by Huff
And still the light,
always the light.
Mornings are hardest,
the light so like
that other light,
that light we remember
when we don't remember
anything at all.

And still the day
And still the clouds
And still me
sitting over coffee
on this street where I live
and the cars pass
while the sky
keeps trying to rain.

The thing about
bringing Lazarus back --
did Jesus ask him?
Albert Huffstickler

night mist--
the horse remembers
the bridge's hole
translated by David G. Lanoue 


PS  Get 2 free issues     Get 2 more free issues     Lillie poem archive

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 75 songs
Hear all 75 at once on the the LitRock Jukebox


  1. Those lyrics are kind of cool. I've never listend to this song. but for me the music is much more important. I was talking about how fwe songs have good lyrics and music both to me, Hotel California, Bullet the blue sky, the immigrant song and Stairway to heaven.

  2. Charles, thanks and I'm with you on the lyrics, especially "Bullet the Blue Sky."
