Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Pause and a Poem

The run up to last night's Book Launch and Reading for the publication of Past All Traps has sucked all the time and energy out of the room, so I'm going to take a week off from the "Sunday Service," which will  resume a week from today.

In the meantime, in the spirit of a new book and good times, a poem from Past All Traps:

plenty of room
left in the thimble
full of knowing

thrashing fish
knowing they're in a bucket
and not knowing
translated by David G. Lanoue

Past All Traps is now available through the Paypal button at the top right of this page ($8, postpaid) or via amazon for $10, plus $3.99 postage. 

And, now, I'm officially done with the shilling.


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature.  Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 105 songs


  1. I have my copy
    was suddenly struck

    :that in the details everything is

    as Don W. lets it as

    "sitting straight -- Crow knows"


    (as the cover indicates)

    no&all dancing bones about it

  2. Charles, just now got my hands on copies so will be preparing to send them out to the folks who have been waiting ... some for quite sometime.

    Should go out in the mail next weekend as I am back to work at the job today and will be through Friday.

    Thanks for the support!

  3. no dancing bones about it! The monks on the cover in the midst of ecstatic dance didn't notice the temple burning around them ...

    they just kept dancing ...

    sounds awful familiar.

    thanks, Ed.

  4. &speaking sotospeak

    bones :

    Natalie Goldberg has done a very 'neat' book that just might

    save a lot of grief:

    her title ? :

    Writing Down the Bones


  5. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves last night at your reading; thank you so much for telling us about it! What a treat to hear poets read their own works. Best of luck!

  6. Yes, I remember that book, Ed - solid work.

  7. Maria:

    Thanks so much. It was one of their best crowds for a reading and it seemed to go over well. I'm very happy you enjoyed it.

