Monday, November 7, 2011

A Gearing Down, Of Sorts

Editor At Work 

It's time.

I noticed a couple of things. I'm posting at least 4 times a week: the Monday Twitter poem, the Wednesday Haiku feature, the Friday regular post (reviews, rants, featured poems), and Issa's Sunday Service.  Most of this writing is done between 5 and 7am in the morning and on my lunch hours and breaks at work.

Six Gallery Press, which published my collection Past All Traps earlier this year, has been waiting for nearly two years for the 20th Anniversary Anthology of Lilliput Review I promised them.  I've started and stopped the project at least three times.  Not that I intentionally stopped it, no.  I just started doing something else.  And never got back.

They've been very patient.

It's time to show my appreciation of that patience and to seriously turn my attention to that project.

But how?

In addition to the tasks I've outlined above, I work full-time.  I run a small press poetry magazine, Lilliput Review, with the ongoing Modest Proposal Chapbook series (23 chapbooks in 23 years, the newest of which, by Ed Baker, may be found here). I'm a poet who pays very little attention to the scraps of paper on which explorations are sketched.  I have a very, very patient, understanding, loving partner.  You can see where I'm going with this.

In order to address the goal of putting together a manuscript for Six Gallery, something has got to give.

I've decided I need to gear down the posting for awhile.  I will post at least once a week on the Wednesday Haiku feature.  For now, I am going to table the Monday, Friday, and Sunday postings. 

So down from 4 times a week to once a week for the foreseeable future.  I reserve the right to chime in with the occasional Issa's Sunday Service (music is what keeps me sane and I have a spreadsheet of over 500 songs with litrock references) and I just know that the occasional review and rant will spill out on the random Friday.

With emphasis on the occasional and the random. 

So, there you have it.  Not completely gone, just gearing down for now.  What kind of time frame (?!?) am I talking about?  I don't have any idea, could be long, could be short.  I am, and always have been, very excited about the Lilliput 20th anniversary project, so it will be interesting to see how all that comes together.  I'll keep you up-to-date as progress warrants.

For now, cheers.

on the busy gate, too
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 126 songs



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wpw, on you have a lot on your plate. Take time to do what you need to do. Will continue to look forward to Wednesday's postings and the upcoming anthology!

  3. Most things you touch, bloom. Glad to hear the gate will be ajar. And, most best wishes, Don, for your work on the anthology — very important work, I must add, and can hardly wait to read it some day.

  4. Don,

    Best of luck on your projects.

    Once a week mostly?

    Hmmmm . . . Blogging is addictive.

  5. I've often wondered how you keep it all going. Gearing down & focusing on the anthology sounds like a good plan for now.

  6. The lit rock thing was a fine idea extremely well executed. Thanks. The prospect of anthology (et al) is exciting!


  7. Hey, Jim, thanks much. LitRock just in hibernation for awhile. I'm glad you liked it.

    I'm working on the anthology on my break at work as I type this.


  8. A time to plant, a time to reap.
    A time to weep, a time to laugh.
    A time to blog, a time to edit anthologies.

    Turn, turn, turn, yo.

  9. Don,
    I'm proud of you for taking the time you deserve to work on your own work for a change. When you're able to come back on the blog to more posts, great, until then I'll enjoy the Wednesday haikus and your Facebook presence.
    If you need anything at all, even moral/immoral support, I am here.

  10. What the other commenters have said, likewise. I look forward to the Lilliput anthology with relish.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Nathan,

    Thanks, if only for listening to me babble on the way to Ray Davies because, somehow, that was the thing I needed to do - say it out loud - to get it done.



  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. gently latching
    the gate --
    morning glory tendrils

    for dw

    best wishes to you, can’t wait to read the anthology!

  15. I guarantee that your friends will be waiting for you... and only too glad to see you putting your life in order...and the fruit of that completed project. Now that you are leading the way perhaps you've started something!

  16. picking and choosing because we have a lot of good choices on a list of things we want to do... yeah, tough choices and worthwhile. be in the fun you are doing. aloha.

  17. Best wishes for the anthology Don.

  18. Catching up on IUH; so glad to see you recognize this need to refocus. Sometimes something has to give! I've always wondered how you ever got a moment away from your computer, LR submissions, etc. not to mention librarianship. Here's to sweet spots ahead for you and maybe also a few moments to breathe!

  19. Pat:

    What a wonderful haiku ... thank you so very much!


  20. Merrill:

    A very nice, true thought. Thanks.


  21. Wrick:

    Straight to the point ... thanks.


  22. Keddy and all:

    Making some significant progress with the anthology. Busy getting the new issues out also.

    It is a wonderful life.

