Friday, November 2, 2012

Ronald Baatz: 3 Poems - Small Press Friday

Photo by Kormoran

I love the work of Ronald Baatz, as evinced by this review of his chapbook, Bird Effort, from Kamini Press. He writes great, brief poems without any constraint as to form. They are what they are, natural as a morning glory found twirling its way through the world. 

Recently Ronald sent along three poems that I enjoyed so much I asked and received permission to share them with readers of The Hut. He kindly acquiesced.

Often when I think of his work, the word delicacy comes to mind, not just in execution or image, but a certain delicacy of feeling, more implied than stated, running just beneath the surface. 

Here are 3 poems that grabbed me for a variety of reasons, with one uniting element: the eye and sensibility of Ronald Baatz:

By the river
I find a wooden flute
with holes rotted in it

Consider this a meditation haiku. You have your assignment.

A crow lands
in its shadow-
I land in this poem

At first glance, this appears to be glib, a post-modern ditty of sorts. Look again, at crow, at shadow, at person.

Her lips
soft as
ant dirt

Six words and the lump in my throat won't go away. Every time I read it.


looking younger than me
the scarecrow casts
his shadow
translated by David G. Lanoue

 Photo by Gerry Lewis



Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 139 songs


  1. A flute with holes rotted in it. Wow, great image.

  2. Not exactly haiku, but WOW what original and powerful images.

  3. So true, Maggie - Ronald seems to follow the spirit of forms, when he follows at all. Great work.

  4. Andrea ... yes, Ronald and Issa seem to be a nice match. Thanks.
