Friday, November 16, 2012

ayaz daryl nielsen: tumbleweeds still tumbling: Small Press Friday

Ayaz Daryl Nielsen is a poet and long time editor of bear creek haiku (20 plus years, 100 issues and counting). He has but recently entered the electronic publication game with a very promising bear creek haiku blog.

In addition, he has also published his first book of haiku, pictured above: haiku: tumbleweeds still tumbling. With over 80 poems packed into this modest little volume, the reader has a nice cross-section of Daryl's approach and sensibility. I've selected a handful to give you a feel for what he's about - a couple of these originally appeared in Lilliput Review, if my memory is to be trusted. 

alone dusk
  enters my living room
      forgets to leave

Like a guest who overstays his welcome, dusk drops in with its own sensibility, one which feels rather foreboding. Of course, others might disagree. And then there is Emily What's-Her-Name.

garter snake
   on my front porch -
       what news, friend

In the haiku tradition, this poem splits into two parts. Many a poet might have written the first two lines, but how many would have come up with the last? The compassion of Master Issa seems to be smiling through. Of course, there is also her nibs again.

their red door
of correct feng shui
always closed

Though this at first seems less than generous, one must consider the poet might have written "of incorrect feng shui"; as is, it feels to me more a poem of observation than judgment, as it should be.


shifting wind
the coyote's raised foreleg

In my world, the world of a poet, everyday I seem to run into the perfect poem, only it's always written by someone else. Nature, intelligence, sensation, life, death ... and a chilling still life of a different sort. A lot to pack into 3 lines.

my old dog sprawls
across the open doorway
neither in nor out

Revealed here is the core mystery of all existence - can you see it? Can anyone see it? It's there, to be sure, as it is all around us. But do we see it?

Not so much, not as such.

haiku tumbleweeds still tumbling is available in a number of ways - from amazon, for the low price of $5.38, or directly from the author, who I'm sure will be happy to sign it for you. You can contact him at darylayaz AT me DOT com (reading AT for @ and DOT for .).


in this world you're a snake--
enter the hole
toward Buddha's West!
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 143 songs


  1. I love these. Very down to earth and a reflection of daily living, but a new way of seeing these things.

  2. Thanks, Charles, so happy they hit the mark.

  3. you go, d-dudearoonie!
