Tuesday, December 9, 2008

William Wharton: an Appreciation (Redux)

Jacket illustration and design by Fred Marcellino

In a previous post, I mentioned the death of William Wharton and how important his book Dad had been to me during my father's long illness. I also mentioned that I was working up an extended post on the subject for Eleventh Stack, the blog at my place of work.

Well, it is done; it is very personal and, I hope, worth sharing. Ron Silliman picked it up for a recent listing of posts on his blog.

Here it is. Hope you like it.



  1. Very fine essay. I'm going to give this book a try. My dad died when I was so young that I feel most of the time that I'm over it. At other times I know it still has the power to knock me flat. This book may be too much for me but I do want to check it out.

  2. Don:

    The William Wharton essay was very good and wonderfully done. Thank you for sharing it.


  3. Brautigan has always been a favorite of mine since way back in the 60s and on my list to reread. I had not heard that Wharton passed away until now. I haven't read everything by him, just some so I'll have to remedy that. I always love to read authors who also paint. Don, thanks for reading my blog and staying in touch. I never knew where Ellerbee got her tagline, good to know.
