Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Call for Tanka and Archive Wednesday

Cover by Bobo

I've received a call for submissions from poet/editor M. Kei that I thought might be of interest to folks who frequent The Hut. So here it is:


*ATLAS POETICA : A Journal of Poetry of Place in Modern English
Tanka* is off to an excellent start, with #'s 1 & 2 available now.
Number 3 goes on sale March 1, 2009. The journal will publish an
8.5"x 11" print format (and in PDF and HTML digital edition) of
tanka/waka/kyoka and its variants, as well as tanka prose, sets and
sequences, two times a year. All poems will be poetry of place, in
other words, poetry in which the natural or cultural place plays a
role. *Atlas Poetica *aims at poetry in which the external and
internal environments are connected, and which shows the
diversity of the natural world and human experience. Tanka in
both traditional and innovative forms are welcome, as are
submissions in languages other than English as long as they
are accompanied by English translation. Poets should send up
to 40 poems that have never been published and which are not
on consideration elsewhere. *Atlas Poetica *has the capacity to
publish sequences or prose work longer than 40 verses in length,
but prefers to be queried first. Non-fiction articles, book reviews,
announcements, and other articles of interest to the readers of
tanka poetry of place are welcome. International announcements
can be in any language and need not be accompanied by English
translation. For complete guidelines, visit
Reading windowfor Atlas Poetica 4: 1 March - 30 June, 2009.

*Atlas Poetica* is edited by M. Kei, editor-in-chief of the
anthology, Take Five : Best Contemporary Tanka, and showcases
previously unpublished tanka in English and English translation
from around the world. The *Atlas* welcomes individual tanka,
sets and sequences, and tanka prose that are deeply steeped in
the human and natural landscape, reflecting the particularities of
life as it is lived in all its splendid interconnections. *Atlas
Poetica* believes that diversity, locality, tradition, innovation,
and a keen sense of the awareness of the web that binds the
internal and external environments together is the essence from
which poetry springs. It is by connecting with this place, this
moment, and these experiences of life that we achieve deep
insight and appreciation for ourselves, our neighbors, and our
world. "Sense of place is not just something that people know
and feel, it is something people do."—Albert Camus

Before submitting, please carefully read the complete guidelines
which are available at

along with information regarding rights sought, schedules,
deadlines, and more.

Submissions and inquiries may be sent to the editor at:
submissions (at)

AtlasPoetica (dot) com.

For further information contact:
M. Kei, Editor, *Atlas Poetica*
AtlasPoetica (at) gmail (dot) com
or visit:

Please share widely and forward to all appropriate forums.

M. Kei
Editor, *Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Modern
English Tanka*


This week from the Lilliput Review archive it's issue #34, from June 1992, a place long ago and faraway. Evidently, however, in some ways, things were very much the same. Enjoy.

Black Ink Pens

--------for poems that explain truth, carefully
chosen words, lines, beautiful melodies, only
to be read at night when the moon has passed
beyond the horizon.
t. kilgore splake

and it seems to me
that before a poem stretches out
invitingly on the page
it has traveled
along a golden fuse
from genitals
to heart
to brain
Judith Klinger Rose

When Your Deep Fear Has Found You
A yellow sunflower will grow
beside you on the dunghill.
You will be astonished
as it turns to face you.
It will marvel as fire
comes to eat from
your hand.
Carl Jablonski

¶blue thorn gallop rose,
-why does language have to be so perfect?
Charlie Mehrhoff


It's Stevie Wonder's birthday today and, beyond happy birthday, there is only one thing I have to say:

And, on a more somber note, in so many, many ways, it is also the birthday of Chet Baker:

through what teeth
I have left
autumn's wind whistles
translated by David Lanoue


1 comment:

  1. send 'im 40 poems in a bundle/tanka
    that have never been published or are at present
    being considered else-where?

    here is my "modern" tonka... a submission:

    FORTY! just-now tanka any Tao episode ok..
    40 original poems? Shit:
    should take me
    Noh time at all!modpons
