Friday, May 22, 2009

Lilliput Review #160 & #161 on Issuu

Click on image to enlarge, wait a few moments, mouse over the right side of screen, click to flip pages (or simply click images at bottom), hit escape to return

I just recently rediscovered Issuu (thanks Melissa, at the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy), where you can publish your documents. It has this neat flip-the-pages feature that mimics the reading experience, sort of. Above is a scan I did - actually multiple scans - of issue #160.

Here's a second issue, #161:

I'm still working on improving the quality of the scan, but this is certainly an interesting way to go in terms of providing samples for poets thinking of submitting work. I've connected up both of these issues to the archive and, since I have no idea what the archive and the Lilliput homepage is going to look like after the imminent changeover to Google Sites from Google Pages, where they are located now, this may be the way I go to archive in the future. Here's where the documents are stored on Issuu.


Because it's Friday, here's a little bit of pure fun, coming your way Christmas Day, 2009.

And for those who just need a good old fashioned Friday afternoon dose, here is a 1 hour piece by the birthday lad, Sun Ra, on one of his terrestrial stopovers on the never ending intergalactic tour, which, of course, continues long after his translation to another plane.

awaiting the stars--
even a turtle cools
his behind
translated by David Lanoue



  1. well

    that's a d


    so much savvy boggles my
    kind of neat

    especially to a computer geek like me!

    someones blog just took over my Bare Bones Bonze site! was I wormed? or bugged? or hacked? I better ask my Kernel whoeve he/she/it may be!

    flipping pages via a mouse? very kool, indeed. just think of all the postage and paper costs you (and 3.2 million) and others
    $$$-wise will save..

    pretty soon the only paper we'll need to buy is toilet paper.

    he kinda-of counter-point to this are pieces in 160 161 by

    (especially John M and Charlie M ...

  2. Indeed, John and Charlie ring the bell ...

  3. I don't know what to think about the Sherlock Holmes movie. I could imagine purists being a bit upset with it.

  4. Sherlock the new movie?

    noise, trickery, and over-priced too salty popcorn

    last time I was in a movie house was the first Batman movie we all walked out it was so noisy!

    I guess the flash and noise is now necessary to awaken the zombies who go to the movies these daze...

    Anonymous 2wo

    give me basil or that PBS guy..

  5. I'm a purist but willing to give it a shot ... that pbs guy, Jeremy Brett, set the bar ... Basil is just plain fun.

  6. Jeremy Brett's version/episode

    - The Illustrious Client

    ACTUALLY now on WETA's elementary

    I was gonna say Jeremy Prenne (Prynne)

    but, then: I would have to deduce

