Monday, October 25, 2010

2nd Annual Bashō Haiku Challenge Chapbook

Now that the contributor copies are in the mail, the 2nd Annual Bashō Haiku Challenge Chapbook is ready for purchase.   54 poems by 53 poets, it is 18 pages in length and standard digest, 5.5 x 8.5", up from the previous year's mini 4.25 x 5.5." It may be purchased for $3.00 postpaid ($4.00 overseas, ditto) via PayPal on the sidebar to the right or check or money order (or carefully sequestered cash).  Payment should be made out to "Don Wentworth." Address: Lilliput Review, Don Wentworth, Editor, 282 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201.

Poets included:

William Appel, Jacek Margolak, Eduard Tara, Peter Newton, Terry Ann Carter, Dubravko Korbus, Andrea Grillo, Floyd Cheung (pg. 10), Paul Truesdell, Barbara A. Taylor, Ed Baker, Tom Drescher, Roberta Beary, Lisa Espenmiller, J. Zimmerman, Marija Pogorilic, Gary LeBel, Bart Solarczyk (2), Ann Schwader, Antonella Filippi, Bozena Zernac, Bob Carlton, William Cullen, Cherie Hunter Day, Darrell Lindsey, Deborah P. Kolodji, Ruth Holzer, D. V. Rozic, Ed Markowski, Gail Priest, Gerry Grubbs, Gary Schwartz, Gary Hotham, K. Ramesh, Karen Cesar, Keith A. Simmonds, Larry Barak, Marilyn Hazelton, Stjepan Rozic, Tanya Dikova, Thomas Martin, Tony Burfield, Victor P. Gendrano, Alan S. Bridges, Guy Simser, John Stevenson, Patrick Sweeney, Geoffrey A. Landis, John Frazier, Michael Stephenson, Scott Metz, and the Honorable Matsuo Bashō.

For a taste, the winning poem and 5 runners-up may be found here.


a farting contest
under the moonflower trellis...
cool air
translated by David G. Lanoue 


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  1. A nice little book! I'm reading it slowly.

  2. Very happy to hear you are enjoying ... definitely a labor of love, from everybody.
