Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bend Haiku Weekend and Issa's Deep Resonance

A couple of notes: above is a flyer for a haiku weekend in Bend, Oregon, that was passed along by site friend and artist/poet extraordinaire, Ed Baker. The full details are here.  Time to book!

In addition, there is a call for submissions for a Haiku Wall that they are creating for the event:
Haiku Oregon CALLS FOR YOUR HAIKU to be displayed at the HSA Quarterly National Meeting & Haiku Art Walk Wall at the historic Liberty Theatre in downtown Bend, Oregon on June 3, 4, and 5, hosted by Haiku Oregon, co-sponsored by the City of Bend, and proclaimed “Bend Haiku Weekend” by the Mayor. Please see full details in Ripples, and at the HSA Website www.hsa-haiku.org plus more at the Haiku Oregon Website http://sites.google.com/site/haikuoregon/hsa-meeting 

Our goal is to exhibit 1000 haiku and we have almost that many already, but please take a moment to email your own favorite haiku that you have written to date, (published with credits or unpublished), under the subject heading "HSA haiku Wall" to an'ya at haikubyanya@gmail.com and just be sure to include your name, city, state and country. We would like to have everyone present one way or the other. We are also displaying haiga and other forms of artwork that include haiku, so please feel free to contact an'ya if you are interested or want to exhibit or know more about this part of the project as well.


In the news department, here's a link to a fine article on the work of Issa that makes a very personal, resonant connection. The author, Toni Bernhard, published it in Psychology Today and passed along the link in a comment to a previous post.

It is recommended reading to help all of us to keep our hats on straight.  Thanks, Toni, and all the very best to you.


in the depths of the lake
billowing clouds
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature.  Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 100 songs
Hear 'em all at once on the the LitRock Jukebox


  1. Hi, Ed, Thanks for posting this. I'll have six haiga on display at the ART WALK at Liberty Theater...all proceeds to go to HSA. Merrill

  2. Merrill, I'll pass the word to Ed.

