Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bill Killen and Lisa Espenmiller: Wednesday Haiku, Week 75

Photo by Saveourhill

by the old pond
in morning light
blue heron-very still
Bill Killen

Rain. Pittsburgh, PA by John Vachon

4 a.m. piss -
through the open window
the sound of rain
Lisa Espenmiller

listening to the insect chorus
right after
night's second piss
translated by David G. Lanoue


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  1. Lana has many pictures of Herons. They are nature's haiku.

  2. Nice pairing of pictures & poems.

  3. Hey Don, I just saw that my Haiku got posted. I usually see your FB posts, but somehow missed this one. Thanks again for publishing my haiku -- and I love being in company with Issa!

  4. How true, Charles.

    Thanks, Bart.

    Lisa, been under the weather, hence no posting on FB - perhaps this morning. Thanks for the poem.
