Friday, August 24, 2012

An Interview & Hemingway's Reading: 7-31-12

Asuka Buddha: Photo by PHG


I've been meaning to find the time to post this recent reading I participated in for this year's grand finale of the Hemingway's Summer Reading Series here in Pittsburgh. The 8-minute reading above includes 95% new material, so there is that. I had a bit of the willies since it was mostly untried material, but the audience was gracious (or napping) so all went well. Posting it here gives me a similar feeling (willies, not napping) but, well, there you go.  (alternate link for reading, if above is not working)
Hope something grabs you here.
What finally prompted this posting is an interview I did for Josh Medsker over at twenty-four hours that just went up yesterday. Some different questions, so check it out. And check out what else he is doing on the blog. He seems to get to poetry through the zine and small press scene; like life, the blog seems to be about so much more than poetry.

As it should be.

on the tip
of Buddha's nose...
a fart bug
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.
Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 133 songs


  1. Don:

    I enjoy your interview, which gives me a lot to ponder.

    The one-word answer to the last question is profoundly insightful, which reminds me of the thematic concerns explored in Being and Time.

    Many thanks for sharing.


  2. Thanks so much for the kind words. Means a lot, Chen-ou.

  3. Don,
    I really enjoyed this interview and his work, beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us. Maire

  4. Very kind of you, Maire. Thanks so much. Don

  5. Theresa, thanks. Hope a poem or two made the cut.

  6. you jus' migt be
    on 'the cutting edge'
    something here w these
    (mostly) "shorties"

    the meek chuckles in reaction
    to your less-than-mainstream
    pieces coupled with your serious delivery indicate (to me) that you are
    "out there" making your own way;

    seems to me that you are 'on to something' (or not) we'll both be dead fifty years before anyboddhi figures out what it is ... if then.

    another thot: if they understand you
    t h e n
    you'll knough that you're going in the wrong direction

    cliches aside I am struck by your

  7. great work Don! really enjoyed hearing you.

    even with the head missing
    the Buddha
    sits still

  8. Aditya:

    Thanks so much ... wonderful ku there, too.


  9. Ed:

    Much appreciated ... tilling the soil, 50 years from now, still soil.

