Saturday, April 6, 2013

Huffstickler Green Update: Forthcoming Dedication & Photos

Photos by Elzy Cogswell
  From John Moore: a date for the dedication of Huffstickler Green in Austin, TX:

"We now have an official date for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Huffstickler Green at the northeast corner of 38th Street and Duval. The date will be on Saturday, May 4th at 10:30 am. Thank you to Kathy Lawrence, John Paul Moore, and Mark Fishman for co-ordinating the Hyde Park efforts and working with our Hancock neighbors to plan this event. We are looking forward to this event to officially open this new green space, and to celebrate the life of Albert Huffstickler, The Bard of Hyde Park."
Some days I just let
                everything go
and sink into the neighborhood,
sit on the bench
                in front of the bakery,
talkt to anyone that passes
and don't think about
                anything at all,
I think they call  that
Albert Huffstickler


Photo of Sanjusangen Hall in Kyoto by J Pellgen

evening cool--
a Buddha of healing
in a thicket
translated by David G. Lanoue


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  1. Well done. Happy healing news. His poetry and work continue to heal. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. Hi Don:

    Thanks for sharing an extremely cool post - a wonderful thing. Your poem choices are marvelous and fit the coming occasion perfectly.



  3. It's up to the people to keep Albert's poetry alive and circulating. He never got on with the critics or the high priests of poetry.

    I spent a lot of time with that lovely man. He gave me good advice when I didn't know I needed it, great advice that turned around my life. It was my honor to publish two of his books. Deep inside his words beats the heart of a true spiritual mystic.

    Chuck Taylor

  4. hi, do you have the poem "doppelganger"? i've been searching all ove for it :( thank you in advance ... cris

  5. Thanks, Andrea. Yes, indeed - it is amazing that this man has inspired a community, lifted them up with his words, to do this thing all these years later. Though in Pennsylvania, I hope to get there sometime.

  6. Jeffrey:

    So glad you liked it. Anything to honor the wonderful Huff.

  7. Chuck:

    Huff and I corresponded for the better part of 10 years. Truly amazing ... his generosity of spirit, deep, hard-earned wisdom, and joy at picking up a cup of coffee and a pen.


  8. cris:

    Albert Huffstickler's poem, "Doppleganger":

    Beside the dumpster
    at Ruta Maya
    stands a man who
    looks like me.
    I always give him
    money—tithing fate.

    Don / Issa's Untidy Hut
