Friday, May 17, 2013

David Giannini: Felt in a Heartbeat - Small Press Friday

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David Giannini is a formidable poet of both short and prose poems. Recently, Feral Press has published an astonishing number of his books, seven in the last year, showing their dedication to David's fine work

The book at hand, Felt in a Heartbeat, consists of 8 brief poems and, counting the cover illustration, 7 beautiful artworks by Judith Strauss Koppel. The cover is pictured above and 2 poems, each individually illustrated, pictured below. 

The first poem confirms for me my own personal Jungian leanings, and the second our collective membership to that unique, and occasionally, as here, breathtakingly beautiful club known as the human race. 

Yes, sadness and suffering can shatter the human heart, but spirit and beauty and poetry go a long way to healing it. These 8 poems, with subtly stunning art, do that and more.

Click to zoom in

Click to zoom in

Felt in a Heartbeat is a limited run of 100 copies and is available from Feral Press, (P.O. Box 358, Oyster Bay, NY 11771) for $8. Contact John and Joan Digby and let them know where you saw it. That would please David and myself.

If you'd rather get a copy direct from the poet, drop David an email at <davidgpoet AT gmail DOT com> or snail mail at PO Box 562, Becket, MA 01223. In the former case, make a check out to "John Digby," in the later to "David Giannini." 


 Photo by Taysm

first winter rain--
the world fills up
with haiku
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

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