Friday, August 16, 2013

John Bennett: 2 Poems - Small Press Friday

Hunting & Gathering
           ~ John Bennett

Time to
go berry
picking &
hang the
scalps from
this week's
kill up
to dry.

John Bennett is the periodic reminder I need to pay attention in a very different way than my hippie-ass mentality 'normally' does.

Shaping Up for Enlightenment
                         ~ John Bennett

     It's important
     not only
     to have
     no expectations
     it's important
     to steer
     clear of
     things that
     are the
     result of


Right brain, left brain, no brain - let's cover the waterfront


sneaking in a 3rd poem

frost kills the grass
the coaxing voice
of a crow 
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 173 songs


  1. Mary Frederick AhearnAugust 17, 2013 at 8:38 AM

    First impression of the first photo was that it was of Jizo statues - then I saw it was skulls. Talk about expectations, brain hemispheres, and covering the waterfront - it all comes down to much the same, perhaps.
    I'll need to read these poems over a bit more, I think.

  2. Mary:

    Charlie Mehrhoff mentioned that the skull racks are know as Tzompantli - this talks more about it.

