Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lyric for a Lazy Sunday Afternoon: Richard Brautigan

Photo by Alexander Rapp

"A Baseball Game" Part 7
Baudelaire went
to a baseball game
and bought a hot dog
and lit up a pipe
of opium.
The New York Yankees
were playing
the Detroit Tigers.
In the fourth inning
and angel committed
suicide by jumping
off a low cloud.
The angel landed
on second base,
causing the whole infield
to crack like
a huge mirror.
The game was
called on
account of
   - Richard Brautigan

Photo by Schyler

lying down
it looks like a handball...
spring mountain 
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.
Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 181 songs 


  1. Yes, in this very odd post season (let's think of that in haiku terms, or simple in terms of nature, eh), Brautigan seems a perfect match. Cheers, Greg.

  2. Man this made me smile! I think this Brautigan poem is from The Galilee Hitchhiker.

  3. Bart:

    There you go ... glad you liked. And it is from Galilee Hitch-Hiker.

    Saw Ron up in Erie when I did a reading in Sept. And you've got a poem coming out in one of the three new issues ... Don
