Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Yesha Shah and Kashinath Karmakar: Wednesday Haiku, #194

Photo by Basoo

old banyan--
childhood still clings to
the tire swings
Yesha Shah

Photo by Kenneth Cole Schneider


morning glory-
for a moment I am
the butterfly

Kashinath Karmakar


Photo by June Marie

swinging on the swing
cherry blossoms
translated by David G. Lanoue


PS  Click to learn how to contribute to Wednesday Haiku.


  1. ah, the morning glory poem describes the feeling perfectly.

  2. Gosh, I do like to be spoilt and it isn't often that two featured poets can keep up with Issa. :-)

    old banyan--
    childhood still clings to
    the tire swings

    Yesha Shah

    Just the first line conjures both concrete richness, as well as cultural and spiritual rewards.

    The phrasing of the last two lines is immaculate. I'm not bothered by the hanging preposition, whether I should be or not.

    That phrase, expertly companioned by the first line sets up an incredible resonance with me as a reader.

    The poem is multi-sensory.

    Fine work!


    morning glory-
    for a moment I am
    the butterfly

    Kashinath Karmakar

    Deceptively simple and simplistic, but layered with the welcoming of a reader into its world.

    The line breaks for the phrase of the last two lines is keenly achieved, and for a moment, I am, and so is the butterfly.

    Incredibly strong work by both poets!


    And many thanks to Issa and his companion David Lanoue, who always gives us such delicious gifts of translation.

    warmest regards,

    Area 17 blog weblink: Alan's haiku blog

  3. Thanks, Bart ... nice work when you can get it!

  4. Alan ... you break down near perfection perfectly ... thanks so much, Don

  5. Thank you so much Don!Lovely pictures accompanying all the haiku.Thanks to Alan and Womanimal for inspiring words!

  6. Thank you, Kash, for the wonderful poem - Don
