Sunday, August 10, 2008

100 Near Perfect Books of Poetry

The print folks have started to weigh in on the Near Perfect Books of Poetry list and so the list has hit 100 titles. I'm busy hypertexting the list (click for the latest version, now over 170 titles) so folks can go see samples by the listed poets, get bio info, hear interviews etc. It is a work in progress, so why stop now? I'll continue to add to the list as suggestions come in and send free copies of Lilliput in appreciation. A special thanks to Ed Baker for his suggestions.

100 Near Perfect Books of Poetry

This page grew out of a number of postings on the Lilliput Review blog, Issa's Untidy Hut. The following list is culled from those postings and has become something of an ongoing project. If you have a suggestion of a title of a perfect or near perfect book of poems for this list and would like to receive the two current issues of Lillie for free (or have your current subscription extended), send your suggestion, along with your mailing address, to lilliputreview at gmail dot com (spelled out to avoid spam bots) or to the Lilliput snail mail address in the sidebar to the right.

The List

Chrysanthemum Love by Fay Aoyagi

Pencil Flowers by Johnny Baranski

Basho And His Interpreters by Makoto Ueda

Silence In The Snowy Fields by Robert Bly

The Pill Versus The Springhill Mine Disaster by Richard Brautigan

Mockingbird Wish Me Luck by Charles Bukowski

Thirst by Patrick Carrington

Places/Everyone by Jim Daniels

And Her Soul Out of Nothing by Olena Kalytiak Davis

Variations by Bill Deemer

Revolutionary Letters by Diane Di Prima

Griffon by Stephen Dobyns

Hello La Jolla by Ed Dorn

Miracles of the Sainted Earth by Victoria Edwards Tester

Things Stirring Together or Far Away by Larry Eiger

The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot

Rebellion is the Circle of a Lover's Hand by Martin Espada

Against the Forgetting by Hans Faverey

Coney Island of the Mind by Lawrence Ferlighetti

West-Running Brook by Robert Frost

Poet in New York by Frederico Garcia Lorca (trans. by B. Bellitt)

The Haiku Anthology, 3rd edition, edited by Cor van den Heuvel

Letters to Yesenin by Jim Harrison

book of resurrection by mark hartenbach

Essential Haiku edited by Robert Hass

My Life by Lyn Hejinian

Working on My Death Chant by Albert Huffstickler

Weary Blues by Langston Hughes

Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes

A Few Flies and I: Haiku by Issa

Jade Mountain: anthology of Chinese Poetry, ed. by W. Bynner

Lost World by Randall Jarrell

The Beginning of the End by Robinson Jeffers

Book of Haikus by Jack Kerouac

The Saint of Letting Small Fish Go by Eliot Khalil Wilson

Knock Upon Silence by Carolyn Kizer

The Essential Etheridge Knight by Etheridge Knight

Geography of the Forehead by Ron Koertge

Pleasure Dome by Yusef Komunyakaa

The Blood of the Air by Philip Lamantia

O Taste and See by Denise Levertov

The Sorrow Dance by Denise Levertov

What Work Is by Philip Levine

For the Union Dead by Robert Lowell

Verso by Pattie McCarthy

dogwood & honeysuckle by john martone

ordinary fool by john martone

Asian Figures by W. W. Merwin

The Vixen by W. S. Merwin

Forever Home by Lenard D. Moore

The Dillinger Books (various) by Todd Moore

Naked Poetry: Recent American Poetry, ed. by Stephen Berg

Next Room of the Dream by Howard Nemerov

The Granite Pail by Lorine Niedecker

100 Love Sonnets by Pablo Neruda

100 Poems from the Chinese, ed. by Kenneth Rexroth

The Dead and the Living by Sharon Olds

Strike Sparks by Sharon Olds

The Distances by Charles Olson

In Cold Hell, In Thicket by Charles Olson

Spearmint and Rosemary by Charles Olson

The Ink Dark Moon by Onono Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, -translated by Jane Hirshfield and Mariko Aratani

Primitive by George Oppen

Right under the big sky, I don't wear a hat by Hosai Ozaki, translated by Hiroaki Sato

Ariel by Sylvia Plath

Droles de Journal by Carl Rakoski

Raising the Dead by Ron Rash

The Waiting Room at the End of the World by Jeff Rath

One Hundred Poems from the Chinese tr. by Kenneth Rexroth

New Poems (1908), the Other Part by Rainer Maria Rilke (tr. Snow)

The Concrete River by Luis Rodriquez

Say Uncle by Kay Ryan

Poems of a Mountain Home by Saigyo

The Kingdom by Frank Samperi

Quadrifariam by Frank Samperi

Spiritual Necessity by Frank Samperi

Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg

Grass and Tree Cairn by Santoka, translated by Hiroaki Sato

The Morning of a Poem by James Schuyler

Buffalo Head Solos by Tim Seibles

Hammerlock by Tim Seibles

Selected Poems by Anne Sexton

The Sonnets by William Shakespeare

Elements of San Joaquin by Gary Soto

Harmonium by Wallace Stevens

Collected Poems - Dylan Thomas

Here, Bullet by Brian Turner

Goodstone by Fred Voss

Argonaut Rose by Diane Wakoski

Cap of Darkness by Diane Wakoski

Collected Greed Parts 1-13 by Diane Wakoski

Inside the Blood Factory by Diane Wakoski

Scenes of Life at the Capital by Philip Whalen

Severance Pay by Philip Whalen

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Spring and All by William Carlos Williams

The Prelude by William Wordsworth

Sinking of Clay City by Robert Wrigley

Littlefoot by Charles Wright

The Tower by W.B. Yeats



  1. Don, great list! Gives me a lot of books to check out!

  2. You've set yourself a task here, especially when you start adding these links. But it's a fantastic project and I'm glad someone is working on it. This is going to turn out to be a really important accomplishment.

  3. Greg, thanks I actually have more to add already ... but will pause a bit at this milestone of a number ...

    Charles, yes, sir, it's a task and a half. I've been working on it in between the other 30 projects I'm doing today ... once I get all the links up, I'll probably make an announcement because, I have to tell ya, I've found some pretty amazing things.


  4. Dear Don:

    Congratulations on over one-hundred "Near Perfect Books Of Poetry"! What a wonderful project; your efforts are so appreciated by your readership. I think it's an amazingly interactive contribution to poetry.

    So! I had hoped to help you along in reaching one-hundred titles, but I guess now we will simply go further over the hump. By the way, I am also very pleased to hear that you've received a number of nominations by mail rather than by email . . . so everybody can participate if they wish.

    My three nominations are:

    "Crow" (Ted Hughes)
    "Lord Weary's Castle" (Robert Lowell)
    "Station Island" (Seamus Heaney)

    When the project began, I really wanted to include nominations by these three poets, but didn't at that time. One of the reasons was that I could not figure out which books by the three poets I would select. I still haven't quite figured it out, as each poet has other books I greatly admire. So these nominations are representative.

    Thanks again Don!


  5. Jeffrey, thanks. I'm working on hypertexting the list and so will be adding more titles once I get that near completion. I'm just going to keep it going.


  6. ditto on what is said re: this project...

    re:discovering my "roots"
    and dusting of my books/memories

    and, speaking of "roots"

    Robert Duncan's Roots and Branches (1964)

    and of Ted Hughes' CROW
    ( you got the 1971 edition with the Leonard Baskin cover?) a poem in Bob Creeley's The Collected Poems
    titled The Crow

    and of course that "dirty old monk" Ikkyu Sojun's

    back to Hughes his

    Birthday Letters and Tales from OVID

    I get so excited:

    it's not so easy
    being myself!

  7. Yeah, list reminds me of books I want to find. Thank you for making it.

  8. Also, thanks for the mail you recently sent to me--it arrived yesterday--and I will have new zines soon! Can't wait to send them to you!

  9. Laura-Marie: Thanks for the kind words and I'll keep an eye out for your new zine work.


  10. Jeffrey, on the off-chance you subscribed to replies to this post, I'm not sure if this is Jeffrey S. or Jeffrey W. or Jeffrey B. I'd like to extend your subscription.

