Friday, December 12, 2008

Roberta Beary's Video Haibun

Curtis Dunlap, over at the always excellent Blogging Along Tobacco Road, has recently recorded and posted a video of Roberta Beary reading a haibun for her dad. As most of you folks know, Roberta was the winner of Issa's Untidy Hut's first annual Basho Haiku Challenge.

Curtis has generously consented to let me embed the video here for your enjoyment, so here is a bright little moment for your Friday pleasure. Please return the favor and give Curtis a visit
at the link above.

And, thinking of fathers and daughters, here's a haiku by Issa, whose longing for family always shines through:

staying behind --
the nightingale's only
translated by David G. Lanoue



  1. Very nice. BTW, thanks for that link to the zombie haiku. Cool stuff. I realized today I never emailed you a thanks for it. Final exams washes everything out of my head.

  2. Hey, Charles, you are welcome.

    I got a kick out of that, too. Glad to hear finals are in the rear view mirror.

