Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two Films & a Trailer for a Sunday Afternoon: Jung, diPrima, & Ginsberg

Three noteworthy celluloid adventures for a rainy afternoon. The Jung hits a tad of a lull a little ways in and picks up steam. Allen is Allen, a joy to listen to and behold and I can't wait to see the film on Diane di Prima.


Jung on Film, via Nancy Davenport


Via Ron Silliman, Allen Ginberg Interview

Diane di Prima: The Poetry Deal trailer, sent along by Susan Diridoni


a long day--
the eel catcher writes pictures
on the water
     translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 129 songs


  1. NEAT !


    to ex:tend the possibilities
    y'all gonna enjoy Diane's

    Seminary Poems

    will be a pleasant (I'm fairly sure)

    her hair in a samurai topknot
    she sits in warrior posture
    in her blue-rimmed sunglasses

  2. I found a nicely done interview with Diane DiPrima, from 2010, in the website of the literary magazine Verbicide. DiPrima talks a lot about creativity, her experiences with publishing her own work and publishing other people, her notions about literary movements, and quite a bit else.

    The interview is here if you want to take a look. (The interview takes up two pages in the website -- at the bottom of the page at the above link, click the number 2 to go the remainder of the interview.)

  3. Ed, yes, to the Seminary Poems, I've a copy around here somewhere I need to dig out.

  4. Lyle:

    Thanks so much for this. I'll be carving some time out to sit down and enjoy!

