Monday, April 16, 2012

Tom Clark: Some Good Wishes

Much beloved poet and friend to many via his wonderful blog and work, Tom Clark, is really going through a rough patch after being hit by a car a few weeks back.  Tom is at home but still faces a mighty uphill climb, not the least challenging of which is the health care system.  He is in pain and has a long way to go.

Let's all who know him send him our best (and maybe even if you don't know him - a little compassion goes a long way). A note of well wishing in the comment section of his blog Beyond the Pale might be just the ticket.

I've had a couple of Tom's books on hand for awhile here, meaning to do a post or posts on them both.  One is a wonderful chapbook of translations, TRANS/VERSIONS, the other is an excellent full length book of poems, The New World.

The translations/renderings are fine, measured, insightful poems, from the likes of Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Reverdy, Vallejo, and Brecht.  A small volume that packs a decided wallop, Tom's is a refreshing, universal take on these masters, not at all pinned to a time or place, unless you call either the human experience.

 Photo by Juliet Clark

Since he is ill-disposed, I haven't had a chance to ask if it would be ok to reprint a poem or two, so you'll just have to take my word: both The New World and TRANS/VERSIONS are joys to hold and behold.  I can't think of a better way to lift a poet's spirits than to buy a book or two of work.  Visit Libellum Books at this or the two links above, or pick them up from SPD: Small Press Distribution.

So, how's about we give our friend a lift; a kind word or two, a couple of wrinkled bucks (tip of the hat, Ed), and maybe he'll have a little something to smile about?

Tom, we are all thinking about you.  Wishing you a steady, strong recovery.  And best to Angelica.


P.S:  I've just heard from Angelica - Tom was sleeping before heading back still again to the doctor later today - that Tom had just approved the proofs of a new collection, Distance, before the accident and it is now ready for sale.

I'm jazzed and I am heading over to amazon to buy a copy now (there is an exception to every rule - my no amazon in this case goes out the window). It is published by BlazeVOX and here is the link:


So, if you are missing Tom's voice right now, as so many of us are, here's your chance.

waiting and waiting
for sunset...
the willow tree
     translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 129 songs


  1. Think of Tom every day since he was struck. His absence at Beyond the Pale is loud. Something important in this world [and the other(s)] just plain missing, and needed. May the words, all the words coming his way straight through you, Don, reach him, make a difference for him. Mighty thanks for your post. XO, Donna

  2. I've just heard from Angelica - Tom was sleeping before heading back still again to the doctor later today - that Tom had just approved the proofs of a new collection, Distance, before the accident and it is now ready for sale.

    I'm jazzed and I am heading over to amazon to buy a copy now (there is an exception to every rule - my no amazon in this case goes out the window). It is published by BlazeVOX and here is the link:


    So, if you are missing Tom's voice right now, as so many of us are, here's your chance.

  3. Thanks for posting this. A wonderful haiku to end. And this is great news .. Tom's new book.

    Tom being the wonderful kind man that he is-- posting his own work online. Here's one lnk (Tom's translation of Brecht)

    Brecht: The Stone Fisherman
