Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yannis Ritsos and the New Blog Look

If you don't know about it already, make time to check out the blog Hints: The Poetry of Yannis Ritsos,
it is a daily posting of the works of this magnificent Greek poet. Here is a poem from their post last yesterday:


The Shadows of Birds: 42

Discreet lights of avenues
beneath the trees
a bicycler talks
with a soldier
a drinking glass breaks
on the pavement
the orange juice sketches
a broad-shouldered angel
with one foot missing.

Athens—May 15, 1980


Meanwhile, hope you like the new look of the blog. There were a number of reasons I changed, not the least of which was I was getting sick of the old color. More importantly, with a color background Blogger was not allowing me to indent individual lines of poems, so any poems with variously indented lines couldn't be used, which is a pretty big limitation. Here is an example of a poem from issue #146 of Lilliput that I would not have been able to print previously:


field of sunflowers
---far as the eye can see
Anne LB Davidson


Before, no matter what I did with the formatting, it would have come out like this:


field of sunflowers
far as the eye can see


Obviously, you can see in this case that this violates the poet's intent. Hence, the new look. The workaround I came up with is kind of goofy, but it appears to work in both Firefox and Explorer, so I'm good.

For now,

Note: If you would like to receive the two current issues of Lilliput Review free, just make a suggestion at the Near Perfect Books page.


Greg said...

I like the new look (and both poems). I've never heard of Yannis Ritsos, but I'll have to check him out.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...


Thanks. Yes, Yannis is fantastic and I'm excited to see that new site. Anne LB Davidson is a haiku poet of the very highest quality.

Glad you like the look - it was that indenting problem that was driving me nuts.


Charles Gramlich said...

I like that "shadow of Birds" very much. Love the angel image in the spill.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...


Ritsos work is very powerful and there are a number of translations out there; I own a couple of anthologies. Scott King's work on his website is very good, indeed.
