Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Johnny Baranski and Michael L. Newell: Wednesday Haiku, #55

Photo by anna.dickie

left to my own devices
i have much in common
with the crow

johnny baranski

Couple Under Umbrella (Crow & Heron) by Suzuki Harunobu

Most eloquent
when simplest
the grammar of touch.

Michael L. Newell

Detail from Sparrow and Scissors by Hokusai

herons, crows, sparrows
all enjoying
the water's warmth
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 128 songs


Lilith said...

Haha..I did like the thought of somone resembling a crow...cute pictures

Pan Haiku Review said...

Wonderful. :-)


Ed Baker said...

my daily 5-minuet allotment
of blog reading just paid off

- in Spades: Newell's BRILLIANT piece
follows one of the GREATS (Harunobu)

notice how few colors Suzuki Harunobo uese

how black IS a deep/emotional color
as counter-point to the white (natural) color of the paper ? what, three colors make this statement ?

WOWOW ! and then:

most eloquent
when simplest
the grammar of touch

(I might jus play w that last line:

as (maybe) "this language of touch")

here, trying (and doing) to limit my palette to 4-5 colors plus the paper / medium's (natural) color.

of course

writing (on paper) or reading paper copy
the limit is two colors ... upon which...

the "smile" is limited ONLY by ones's imagination/experience & tools ...

gonna google Michael L. Newell
use my sumi ink and brush to make a copy of his "shortie"

(I first came across Suzuki Harunobu via his Tales of Genji illustrations & his Shunga prints. Both of his wives were "rescued" from Edo/Kyoto brothels.

(speaking of brothels: I wonder if baranski
via his reference to "crow" is aware of Ikkyu's
(sorry about the 'dash' above the "u"):



Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks, Lilith. Across cultures, there is a long history of myth/folklore stories of just such things.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Cheers, Alan.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Ed, everyone once in awhile, one goes out of the park.

Michael has been with me, print-wise, since very early on, maybe 15 years. An amazing poet and person.

"how black IS a deep/emotional color
as counter-point to the white (natural) color of the paper ? what, three colors make this statement ?"

Oh, yes.