Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Laurie Kuntz & Roberta Beary: Wednesday Haiku, #206

The old man
picks the fruit
Laurie Kuntz

family christmas
the one who drinks  calls
just to talk
Roberta Beary

Artwork (detail) by Sidney Paget

a prize-winning chrysanthemum!
the old man
trans. by David G. Lanoue


PS  Click to learn how to contribute to Wednesday Haiku  


Patrick Sweeney said...

Great haiku...


Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Always so great to hear from you, Patrick. Glad you liked the work. Don

Pan Haiku Review said...

Delicious haikai verses! :-)

I was particularly interested in the double space between 'drink' and 'calls' that comes across as an expert stand up comedian's timing.

A double-edged haikai verse deserving to be called both a haiku and a senryu.

Oh, how I love a deeply crafted and thought out senryu that has that bitter-sweet poignancy plus irony.

As always, a nod and a thanks to Issa (and David Lanoue) as well as nods and thank you to Laurie Kuntz, and Roberta Beary.

warmest of regards,

Area 17 blog weblink: Alan's haiku blog


Bart said...

I'm a big fan of Roberta Beary. Good to see her here again.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...


Thanks so much - it's always a good day when you stop by!

I was intrigued by the extra space, too, not sure if it was intended but I kept it as it was in the manuscript.


Issa's Untidy Hut said...


Thanks ... have some great news, purely coincidental. I've had email from Roberta and she is coming to town in two weeks and asked if I could arrange a reading and I have. It will be at the new Classic Lines bookshop in Sq. Hill, Friday April 24th, at 7 pm if you are around. More about this forthcoming.
