Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rehn Kovacic & Slomovits/Burd: Wednesday Haiku, #92

Woodblock by Utagawa Kunimasa

The moon
      not quite full—
    a lover’s anticipation.

Rehn Kovacic


Photo by Arthur Rothstein

autumn —
a leaf rides down
a children's slide

Laszlo Slomovits
Jennifer Burd

 Photo by Theodor Horydczak

blossoms scatter--
my years too
on a downhill slide
translated by David G. Lanoue


Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.

Go to the LitRock web site for a list of all 145 songs


Charles Gramlich said...

Now that's a slide full of kids.

Woodland Rose said...

Love this 'moon not quite full' haiku and the never-ending creativity. Just when I begin to think that there's nothing left to write (or paint) the moon beckons and other poets inspire. Andrea