Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rehn Kovacic & Paresh Tiwari: Wednesday Haiku, #187

Photo by Bob Jenkins via wikicommons

Morning light--
  cracks in the relationship

            Rehn Kovacic

Photo by Prashanthns via wikicommons

mackerel clouds -
the fishing line hooks
a ripple

Paresh Tiwari

Photo by Lainey Paige via wikicommons

ripples on water--
mingling with the larks
a fishing boat
translated by David G. Lanoue


PS  Click to learn how to contribute to Wednesday Haiku


Pan Haiku Review said...

It's not often that the contemporary haiku can look as good as Issa's haikai verses, and their translations, but these do really well.

Ah, morning light, and exposing the cracks both, possibly in their paintwork of the apartment, but mostly within themselves. Ouch!

Mackerel clouds (great kigo) and the fishing line hooking a ripple. Wonderful scene set out for us.

And the fishing boat mingling with the larks is sheer beauty and light humor.

A great banquet of verses.


Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks, Alan ... so nice when everything comes together on the page ... and in the mind.


Rehn said...

Thank you for the wonderful image. You are so good at choosing images that speak to the poem. And thank you Alan for your comments.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Rehn ... fine work is evocative ... Cheers, Don