Monday, November 17, 2008

Dew on the Grass, Part 2

Continuing the posting of an occasional poem from Dew on the Grass: the Life and Poetry of Kobayashi Issa by
Makoto Ueda, take a look at this one:

the clamorous world
late cherry blossoms

I've written a number of poems about late cherry blossoms because there is a grove of cherry trees behind the museum next to where I work and they blossom two, sometimes, three times a year. Right now, there are a handful of the trees, positioned just so and protected from the merciless wind and chill of autumn, that have blossomed even though it has been in the 40's and 30's here in Pittsburgh recently. Here is one poem that resulted:

the older you are,
the nobler the truth

fall, cherry blossom.



Charles Gramlich said...

We had a couple of cherry trees on our farm. They didn't seem to blossom very often but were beautiful when they did.

Once in a while
put on your Sunday best
Cherry blossoms.

Anonymous said...

winter cherry
this olde branch

Cherry Blossom
hanging on for
dear life

can you 'make'
a Cherie Pie
Billy Boy / Billy Boy?

Jim H. said...

blossoms of spring
fruit of summer

Anonymous said...

brook trout on French Creek -
cherry blossoms
blooming beneath the waves


Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks Charles, Ed, Jim, and J.L.S. for the haiku - very nice.

J.L.S., your's reminds me of one of those multidimensonal Escher puddles.
