year's end--
the bell of my death place
tolls too
translated by David Lanoue
Some very sad news in the world of books; Cody's Books, a staple of the Berkeley, CA, scene for over 50 years closed its doors last week.
Cody's announcement from their webpage ...
Followed by some very ominous news in the world of books: amazon.uk starts to strong arm publishers for larger profit margins (the Times headline, by the way, is all wrong: Hachette is the largest publisher in the UK). Neil Gaiman, ever the voice of moderation in the real world, theorized that its time to start pointing our links elsewhere for book information and I believe he is right, at least until this thing gets straight. Actually, he was just speaking for himself (and one can only imagine the sales he generates from his online journal with all the fine recommendations he makes), but his is an excellent example to follow.
This will remind folks who have been warning about the ever beneficent google what might happen if they decided to start wielding their power in a whole scale negative way. I've always been a proponent of amazon (and not particularly prone to online paranoia) and a supporter of independent shops in my buying habits but this gives one pause, indeed.
Not only is the wolf at the door: we appear to have invited him in for dinner.
spotting wolf shit--
the grass
is so cold
translated by David Lanoue