This is wonderfully odd song, recently suggested by a reader; somehow, I would love to hear someone arrange differently. I know this is a bit of a sacrilege; after all it is Billy Bragg and Wilco - jeez, whaddya want already? Of course, since this comes from the album Mermaid Avenue, which is made up of previously unreleased Woody Guthrie lyrics, it's not likely that anybody else will be rushing to cover (re-cover?) this anytime soon. Still and all, fine work all around and many thanks for the suggestion.
I share a birthday with Woody Guthrie: the 14th of July, Bastille Day, and that has always made me happy. So has Woody. First, Bob's classic tribute to Woody (no mistakes in that pickin' on this take) and then a real beaut by the man himself.
"Song to Woody" Bob Dylan
"Jesus Christ" by Woody Guthrie
This week's featured poem comes from Lilliput Review, #78, March 1996. It's one ambivalent little beauty by one of my favorite haiku poets, Patrick Sweeney (who has promised to leave a little packet for me under the bridge by the Mon - no mean feat, internationally speaking). The Deva King of Issa's little number may be seen portrayed, sans wasps' nest, at the head of this post. Enjoy.
The scent of lime ends at her wrist
Patrick Sweeney
the beehive dangles
from the Deva King's
translated by David G. Lanoue
Send a single haiku for the Wednesday Haiku feature. Here's how.
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