Friday, February 20, 2009

"Everybody Got It Wrong": Ginsberg in India, Snyder Reading

Here's some archival footage of Ginsberg in India, with commentary and poetry by Gary Snyder, with Bill Morgan, Gita Mehta and others reading and commenting. The Snyder reading, so alike in rhythm and akin in musical pitch to Ginsberg's, and Mehta's cogent, spot-on analysis from the Indian perspective are highlights.

"Never before had the void been pursued with such optimism, such razzle-dazzle. Everyone suspected that whatever America wanted, America got. Why not Nirvana?"

even the heavenly gods
crowd 'round...
plum blossoms

translated by David Lanoue



Runechris said...

Very cool.. Have you read the book "A Blue Hand" by Deborah Baker.. it is a very good account of Ginsberg's time time in India traveling with Orlovsky.

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks, C. I haven't read "A Blue Hand", but have heard about it. I need to run it down ...

Thanks for the recommendations.
